Training & Workshops


The Pricing Class

Increase profitability by investing in your people

Matrix Consulting offers a complete suite of training programs and workshops from introductory sessions to in-depth customized multi-day programs specific to your industry.

We call it The Pricing Class.

The Pricing Class is tailored to the specific needs of your organization or business unit. If you want to introduce newcomers to pricing, or further the pricing knowledge and skill sets of your specialists, The Pricing Class offers you a flexible tool that provides a personal learning experience for the participants while eliminating travel expenses.

Typical formats are one or two days. The Pricing Class is taught on-site and often under a Confidentiality Agreement. This enables open discussions on actual pricing or competitive challenges.

Carefully selected examples specific to your industry are used throughout the program to keep learning relevant. Hands-on exercises provide the participants with the practical skills, and group discovery discussions boost the understanding of key learning points.

Participants of The Pricing Class leave the training with a deeper understanding of pricing, a clear sense of applicable tools, and how to implement the concepts in the work environment. Comprehensive handouts allow the participants to go back to the materials in their own time.

The Pricing Class is endorsed by Asia Pricing Professionals.

The Pricing Class: The best investment you’ll ever make in your people.

Get your team trained and see an immediate increase in employee performance and company profitability

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